Tag fratmen

Fratmen Kip jerks off!

Fratmen says: Nothing says “summer is just around the corner” better than spring training, and no sport’s equipment is easier to compare to the male anatomy than the bats and balls of baseball. So at the risk of ignoring his…

Fratmen Sucks: Spencer and Travis

Wank their hard dicks to orgasm!….. Fratmen Sucks says: Previously only on Fratmen.TV, all-star Fratmen Spencer experiments with oral sex with blond muscle stud Fratmen Travis. Here we have two fratmen alumnus coming together to show us how pros from…

Fratmen Avery

There is something special about those blue eyed boys that could carry on a conversation for hours only to have you dreaming what lies beneath that preppy yet concealing V-neck T-shirt and pair of denim jeans. Today Fratmen Avery rescues…