Category Sean Cody

Big cock Ricardo at Sean Cody

The focal point of Ricardo’s body is his big, thick, massive cock! That’s definitely the first thing you look at when you see him naked. It hangs big soft, and it gets bigger when it gets hard! Ricardo has a…

Greek God Brennan at Sean Cody

Catch Brennans full exposure here From Sean Cody: Ah, Brennan. Here was a hunky, hairy, cuddly guy wearing a “Greece” t-shirt and looking all dark and Mediterranean. Sweet… an American boy with Greek blood! Catch Brennans full exposure here He’s…

Sean Cody – Hot Russian Serge

Serge is originally from Russia. He’s been in the States for two years now. He’s still perfecting his English, but the excitement of the new and unexplored experiences he is having is quite evident on his face. There was basically…